About Us

Rohi Clothing Company gets it's name from the Hebrew Phrase, "Jehovah Rohi," which translates as "The Lord is my shepherd." 

Our prayer is that these clothes will serve as a daily reminder of the love and mercy offered to all by the Good Shepherd, and that these clothes will be a little light out in the "highways and hedges!"

Rohi Clothing Founders

From the Founders:

I was getting ready to serve on a mission trip when the Lord first began planting the seeds for this company in my heart. As I was preparing and praying for the people we were going to work with on our trip, I realized that we would never be able to really minister with each person we came into contact with... Our short visit and limited team would make that impossible, but I thought surely there had to be a way to spread the message of Jesus even if we only touched people's lives for one moment. 

I mulled the idea around in my head for a few weeks, until I finally pitched the idea to my mom while we sat by the pool one day. Her response? "GREAT! I've been waiting on you to do that!!"

It is always so awesome to get to watch God work in your life, planning and scripting the path before you even know what to expect. He has done exactly that, though, along every step of this process with Rohi Clothing.  Every door we approach, He opens with ease. Every milestone we fear, He breaks down and paves a way.

Our sincere prayer is that these clothes will serve as a catalyst for you to create a lasting, positive impression on the lives of those you come into contact with each day. We pray that these will be a tool for you to take as you journey into the "highways and hedges," as you live and love for Jesus!


Thank you for your support!


Kalie & Kristi


#TheLordisMyShepherd  #rohiclothing