We had so much fun at our recent VBS showcase! THANK YOU to every church and person that came out to the event!
Our goal for the showcase was to offer a sample of several King James based Bible School themes to give churches a chance to experience and see this year’s offerings first hand. I wanted to offer enough of a sample of the materials, visuals, and decorations to allow you to get a real feel for each theme, making it easier to decide which is right for your church!
If you missed the event or just need to look things over again, please follow along below to find a recap of each of our four themes!
Theme 1: SHINE! By Bogard Press

Theme Summary:
Shine! Is a VBS Theme focused on the big picture narrative of Scripture, looking at the redemption story of Jesus through the lens of five different Bible stories, framed as “movies” to fit the theatrical theme! As students “go to the movies,” each night, they’ll be immersed in a story-telling atmosphere of different Gospel stories organized into film-like genres: Mystery, Romance, Comedy, Action, and Musical.
Memory Verse:
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1
Central Idea:
To help students see the glory of Jesus throughout the Scriptures and compel them to trust and worship Christ.
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Mystery: Mystery At the House of Dagon | Romance: Ruth and Boaz, a Love Story | Comedy: Donkeys Don’t Lie! | Action: The Giant Slayer | Musical: The Leaping King |
1 Samuel 5 | Ruth | Numbers 22 | 1 Samuel 17 | 2 Samuel 6 |
Set Up and Decor:
Stage your church like a grand theater with red carpet, curtains, and spot lights for an epic opening night! For our event we created a mega-sized popcorn bucket from foam boards and balloons, but a movie-style concession stand for snacks or a photo booth with props for memory making are great ideas to carry out the theme decor, too!
I love that this theme is so cohesive and well put together. Each story plays into their movie/film theme well, but also carries gospel significance that applies to all age groups. This theme also offers incredible teaching and student activity booklets that drive home the practical ways to SHINE for Jesus in our daily lives!
Theme 2: Breaker Rock Beach by Lifeway
Theme Summary:
Breaker Rock Beach is a coastal themed VBS curriculum aimed at teaching kids that God’s truth never changes! As they explore a week’s worth of lessons they will be challenged to recognize the difference between the lies and half-truths of culture and God’s unchanging truth.
Memory Verse:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
Central Idea:
God’s truth never changes!
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Truth Comes From God Satan tricked Adam and Eve. |
God’s Plan Is Best Daniel Chose God’s Way |
Everyone Needs Jesus The Rich Young Ruler |
Jesus Is The Only Way John Wrote About Jesus |
Speak Truth In Love Paul Encouraged the Ephesians |
Genesis 2-3 | Daniel 1 | Mark 10:17-27 | John 14:1-20, Acts 1:9-12 | (Acts 9:1-6, 19:1-31) |
Set Up and Decor:
This coastal beach vibe is easy to bring to life with Lifeway’s affordable backdrops and displays. We created a DIY sandcastle from recycled boxes and used large pool floats, kites, and sand toys to finish out our beach theme.
I especially love how easy this kit makes the decorating, their Decor Made Easy guide and affordable backdrops make it easy to bring the scene to life to captivate young imaginations. The music for this theme is also one of our favorites, especially since it’s available on Apple Play and is so easy to access!
Theme 3: Great Jungle Journey by Answers in Genesis
Theme Summary:
Join this jungle cruise as you explore the Bible to find the answers to big questions. Everyday kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved?
At this VBS, kids will explore the Biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation and learn how to connect the Bible to their everyday lives.
Memory Verse:
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:17
Central Idea:
An epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation!
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Corruption and Catastrophe |
Confusion |
Christ and the Cross |
Consummation (Conclusion and End of the World) |
Genesis 1 | Genesis 3, 6-9 | Genesis 11 | John 1:12 | Revelation 21-22 |
Set Up and Decor:
This theme offers the option to purchase multiple graphics for your sanctuary and classrooms, including a fantastic “Scene Setter” backdrop that brings the jungle to life! We set up a beautiful waterfall display using recycled paper, vinyl table cloths, shimmer backdrop, and flower garlands that set the stage for a jungle adventure. This theme also includes multiple teaching aide posters, memory verse posters, and theme related graphics for each age group and classroom!
This theme is the most vibrant and eye-catching, and will really be exciting for kids. Their music selection is probably our favorite, it includes two different CDS, one with just theme music and one with Biblical songs written specifically for each night’s lesson!
Theme 4: WildLIVE! By Regular Baptist Press
Theme Summary:
Going Live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Welcome to the great outdoors, the set of this action-packed WildLIVE! Theme! Journey over mountains, through forests, across icebergs, making animal friends along the way, each one teaching something special about Christ’s character! Kids will learn about Christ’s love, holiness, compassion, and humility from their animal friends all while learning how to follow Jesus in their own “habitats!”
Memory Verse:
For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John 13:15
Central Idea:
Showcasing Christ’s Character
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Showing Christ’s Love |
Showing Christ’s Holiness | Showing Christ’s Compassion | Showing Christ’s Humility | Showing Christ’s Faithfulness |
Matthew 1:18-25 | Matthew 4:1-11 | Mark 6:30-44 | John 13:1-17 | Matthew 27:27-50 |
Set Up and Decor:
This adventurous outdoor theme is really wide open to interpretation and creativity! We used a wildlife backdrop and a jungle balloon arch, extra large stuffed animals, and the colorful theme graphics to bring our scene to life. Using materials from the outdoors like logs and leaves are great ways to tie in the outdoor element in a creative way. This theme also offers several great scene setter backdrops that bring the theme to life in a bright, colorful way!
The idea and motto behind this theme are so simple, but so good! Teaching kids to recognize the characteristics of Christ then apply them to their own lives is the perfect way to create life changing experiences. We love the vibrant colors of this theme and how easy it is to interpret the decor and design your own creative way!

All in all we were really pleased with the messages and quality of the themes available this year. We really believe that any of these would be a great tool for your church to reach souls and change lives in your community!
We’d love to help you with your materials. If you’re interested in ordering any of the curriculum or materials listed here, please contact us at rohiclothingllc@gmail.com.
Order your VBS director kit early and let your team get excited and ready for a fantastic event! We have several kits on hand at our Cleveland, GA shop for you to look through and explore if you prefer to do so in person.
For custom or semi custom church and VBS tees, please click here for more information!